Mastering Angular 17: A Comprehensive Guide to Adding Modules in Your Project

Ahmadreza Shamimi
2 min readFeb 17, 2024


1. Adding a Module in Angular:

To add a module in Angular, you typically use the Angular CLI, a powerful tool that simplifies Angular development tasks. While Angular 17 is a hypothetical future version (as of my last update in December 2023), the process of adding a module is expected to remain consistent with past versions. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Navigate to your Angular project directory. Use the cd command to change to your project directory.
  3. Run the Angular CLI command to generate a new module. The general syntax is:
ng generate module <module-name>

Or the shorthand version:

ng g m <module-name>
  1. Replace <module-name> with the name you want for your module.

For example, to add a module named user, you would run:

ng g m user

This command creates a new folder within the app directory of your Angular project, containing a file named <module-name>.module.ts. This file defines a new Angular module class decorated with @NgModule().

2. Creating a Document for Medium:

For the Medium document titled “How to Add a Module in Angular 17”, follow this structure:


  • Briefly introduce Angular and the importance of modules in organizing Angular applications.
  • Mention the anticipation of Angular 17 and the continuous support for modularity.


  • List prerequisites such as having Angular CLI installed and an existing Angular project.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Opening the Terminal: Instructions on opening the terminal or command prompt.
  2. Navigating to the Project: How to use the cd command to navigate to the project directory.
  3. Adding a Module: Detailed instructions on using the ng generate module command, including the syntax and an example.
  4. Understanding the Generated Files: A brief explanation of the generated module file and its significance.

Best Practices

  • Tips on naming conventions for modules.
  • When to consider creating a new module in your project.


  • Recap the steps taken.
  • Encourage experimentation with different module configurations.

Additional Resources

  • Links to the official Angular documentation.
  • Recommended tutorials for deeper learning.

Final Steps:

  • Proofread and Format: Ensure your document is well-organized and free of typos or grammatical errors. Use Medium’s editor to format your headings, code snippets, and lists for better readability.
  • Publish: Once satisfied with the content and formatting, hit the publish button on Medium to share your guide with the community.

This structured approach will help you create an informative and easy-to-follow Medium document on adding a module in Angular 17.



Ahmadreza Shamimi

I'm Ahmadreza Shamimi with an experienced with over 10 years of experience coding with web and mobile platforms.